
第十一屆 (2011-12年度)

中七理科 陳永鍵同學
香港大學 工學學士課程

It is my great pleasure and honor to receive this scholarship, which means so much for me and this would help to relieve the financial burden of my family. Here, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. Tong, who are the scholarship donors, for their generosity, kindness towards our students every year. This scholarship encourages students to work hard and strive for the excellence to achieve a satisfactory result in public examinations.

Let me take this opportunity to thank all the teachers, who gave me a lot of guidance in my studies as well as personal problems in the past seven years. Whenever I felt unhappy, confused or frustrated, they would always talk with me and support me in different ways. I can honestly say if they had not helped me these years, I would not have been the one who is now receiving the scholarship.

In addition to teachers, I would not have succeeded in public examinations without the encouragement, support and love from my dearest father and mother. During the preparation period of examinations, I allocated all of my time to my studies, which sometimes made them very worried. I remembered that once when I worked until midnight, my mother noticed that and she gave me a cup of coffee and said ‘Just do your best and take a rest if you are tired’. Perhaps it is only a simple statement for other people but for me, it is a huge form of motivation.

On a more personal level, I would like to thank some of those people closest to me – my classmates. I would use some lyrics of the song ‘Seasons in the Sun’ to describe the harmony in my class in the past two years: ‘We have joy, we have fun, we have seasons in the sun.’ We overcame every obstacle during these two years and we are now brave enough to face up to the challenges in our lives. I believe we will succeed with flying colours.

My fellow schoolmates, you should all enjoy both happiness and difficulties you may face in the school life. These will be unforgettable memories in your life. There is a popular saying which may be useful for you: ‘No pain, no gain’. Whenever failures, such as unsatisfactory results of exams, came, I would be frustrated but I always told myself: ‘No pain, no gain.’ Every failure gives you a chance to reflect on yourself, so don’t be afraid to face and accept failures. You will stand up again. I hope every one of you will succeed in the HKDSE. Thank you.

你是 2012年11月6日 起,第 位訪客。

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