On 20th November, an exciting Joint-School English Oral Practice event took place in the school hall of Carmel Holy Word Secondary School. The event, hosted by our school and joined by Carmel Holy Word Secondary School and Queen Elizabeth School Old Students' Association Secondary School, was a resounding success. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the principals and teachers from the other two schools for their invaluable support.
Approximately 120 students and teachers from the three participating schools came together to enhance their English oral skills. The event provided a unique opportunity for students to engage in meaningful discussions with peers from different schools. Our students received feedback from experienced teachers, enabling them to refine their language abilities. They also learned a range of effective techniques for engaging in group discussions, boosting their confidence in expressing their opinions.
Our school is delighted with the outcome of the event and hopes that it will prove to be a valuable resource for our students. We extend our warmest wishes for every success to all our students in the forthcoming public examination.
Teacher-in-charge: Mr. Kwan Chung Yin

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