
ENGLISH WEEK 2012-2013

Mrs. S. Lee, English Panel Chair
Dear All:
I am pleased to announce to all of you that the annual English Week of the school will begin next Monday (29th October 2012) and it will last until Friday (2 November 2012). The English teachers and English Club Members have prepared a lot of fun and challenging English learning activities for you to be done in class, at lunch and even after school. So watch out for all these interesting activities and win a big prize for yourself and your class!! You may refer to our posters for details of the daily activities. I wish you all a fruitful and enjoyable English Week!!
Best wishes,
Mrs. Lee
English Panel Chair


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2022-2023香港道教聯合會圓玄學院第二中學 版權所有 私隱政策聲明免責聲明版權聲明